Monday, January 31, 2011

Did You Remember to Laugh Today?

While going about your day, don't forget that laughter is good medicine!
I'm not talking about the kind of laughter where you make fun of someone in hurtful or sarcastic ways.  I'm talking about embracing your life and finding the humor in what is going on around you.  Take a giggle break and step away from being so serious!
When you can find the humor and laugh, your body will automatically start to relax.  Through relaxation you'll be opened up to new solutions and before you know it, new opportunities will start to shine through.  And there you have it ~ a Win/Win kind of deal.  Laugh and suddenly you're feeling better and solutions begin to appear!  It's the magic that happens when you embrace the energy of happiness and combine it with laughter!
Seek Joy and Joy will find You!
If you're having trouble finding that silver lining in your life, have life questions that need answers or help in understanding a situation you're going through, you can find me HERE and HERE.
I can also be reached by message on Facebook or   at to inquire about private readings, life coaching and payments via paypal.
Today's Specials can be found HERE and HERE.
Email readings are also available HERE and HERE.
Follow Me on Twitter
Follow Me on Facebook.
Read My Blog.
**This Fairie Message was pulled from the Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Simple Appreciation. Do You Do It?

Have you taken the time to appreciate the simple goodness that is around you and perhaps daily over looked?
When one recognizes with gratitude the intrinsic value of what is around them or a situation in their life, doors of awareness are opened to new and higher levels of thinking and feeling. 

Gratitude grows with Appreciation and Love flourishes, building mountains of serenity rather than burdens to be climbed.
If you would like Questions answered, need Guidance, Life Coaching or a Reading, you can find me HERE and HERE. 
I can also be messaged on Facebook or at for inquires on private readings, prices and specials.
Today's $2.99 Specials can be found HERE and HERE.  

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Friday, January 28, 2011

A Dream Reality Check...

When you stay Optimistic, you give your dreams a chance to Come True.
There is also a "Reality Check" important to go along with your dreams.
Are they realistic?  Are they Healthy?  Are they for the Higher Good of your life?
By "Are they realistic" I don't mean you can't become a millionaire if you're on welfare.  I mean, if are you chasing after an empty bucket, something or someone that has proven over and over to not be accessible to you for what ever reason, then perhaps THAT dream is not good for you and it's time to look at or seek another solution, create new dreams, or let go of a dead end dream and take time to heal. 
If you are stuck with a chronic focus in worrisome ways on a dream, you can push it away rather than draw it close.  When you are "Waiting" for something to happen and all your focus is on "Waiting" you create the energy of "Waiting" ... and there you have it!  Everything is stuck in "Waiting" mode.  The exact opposite of what you're wanting!
Never give up on your dreams, but DO make sure your dreams aren't harmful for the highest good of self and be sure that your focus is in the right place, armed with the right intentions to be of highest good and best assistance to you.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Diving Timing. Do You Know What it Means?

Today's Fairie Message is about Divine Timing.
If you've ever had a reading, talked to a spiritualist or truly wise counsel, at some point or another, someone has told you to be patient and allow for "Divine Timing."
Divine Timing is often a signal that your prayers, manifestation, hopes, wishes or desires are in the process of coming to fruition, but one must be patient while all the pieces of the particular life puzzle fit together.  You can't force a square peg through a round hole and you can't force something to happen before it's ready.  If you try to manipulate or maneuver an outcome to happen in *your time lines* because you're impatient and *want it NOW* rather than waiting for Divine Timing to unfold, you can upset the organic flow of  energy and actually prevent the outcome from happening as it should or drastically delay it.
Divine Timing means that everything needs to fall in place organically (like fitting the pieces of a puzzle together) before it can work out.  Trying to  force it to fit to *your specifications* can  hinder the outcome and throw the situation off balance, preventing a solid foundation from developing.
Instead of trying to force doors that appear closed to open, change your focus to those doors that are open to you  so that you are feeding into a positive energy rather than a negative.  This not only will make you feel better, but it  allows Diving Timing to take place.
Patience while life unfolds with beautiful outcomes and solid foundations for the highest good of all.


If  you have questions about timing and a situation in your life, you can find me HERE and HERE
You can also message me on Facebook or at to inquire about private
readings, specials and payments via paypal.
Today's Special can be Found HERE
Follow Me on Twitter.
Follow Me on Facebook.
Read My Blog.
**Todays Fairie Message came from the Healing With The Angels Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue, PH.D.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Saturn Retrograde & Turtle. What Does it Mean? ...

With Saturn sitting proudly in it's beginning phase of a long retrograde (until June 12), it's almost beaming at us.

Gloating, "What do you think you'll be able to avoid working on for THAT long?" 


Saturn is about our boundaries, disciplines, duty, responsibilities, and obligations.

It's like our 'wake up call' planet.  Saturn in Retrograde means it slows our lives down long enough that we

have to look at anything we may have avoided.


While many may see the association of Saturn with restriction and limitation, it's good to look

past what may seem, or even feel depressing, and understand that Saturn brings structure and a deeper awareness

of responsibility in to our world.  It helps us define where we're going and how we're getting there.  It makes us understand

the need for self-control and healthy boundaries, thus the importance of it's restriction and limitations.


Combine the awareness of Saturn's turn to retrograde with today's Fairie Card and we have a deep investment in

the structure and building of a healthy perimeter around SELF.  This means taking time to look at YOU and

become (or expand) the healthy, happy you that's inside wanting to be explored!

Today's message came from Mother Earth & the Fairies, pulling the Medicine Card, "Turtle."


Turtle teaches through habits and patterns.  If something is bothering you or you see a repeated pattern in your

life, it's time to stop and find out why.  (Especially with Saturn in retrograde!)


In Native American teachings, the Turtle is the oldest symbol for the planet Earth.  It's energy is of the Mother and

goddess,  asking us to be aware of that from which our life evolves.  To nurture and find completion. 

To have balance with the cycle of give and take in daily interactions and with all others, as well as the planet Earth.


Turtle is about honoring the creative source within you while being grounded to the Earth.  To look at your place in life and

observe it with motherly compassion, not judgment as you make corrections.  Turtle encourages you to connect with the power of Earth and the Mother Goddess within.  This, simply put, means it is a time to begin looking seriously within self and deepen your

awareness while nurturing with the gentleness and unconditional love of mother energy. 


Look at what needs to be accomplished in the upcoming months of your life. 

Know that you are up to the challenge!

Believe in You as I do!


If you have questions that need answers, you can find Today's Specials HERE and HERE

Message me on Facebook or at for private reading

rates, specials and payments via paypal.


Follow Me on Twitter.

Follow Me on Facebook.

Read My Blog.


(I will be back online & available for readings after 7 pm PST tonight!  Please use callback or schedule an appointment)

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Friday, January 21, 2011

What Are You Thinking???

If you knew that your thoughts created your reality,
wouldn't you be careful about what you thought?
Take time to focus on what you want,
not what you're afraid will never be.
Allow yourself to heal
and let go of the past
so new miracles in life can radiantly shine
for you to see.
Think Happy thoughts,
even if the day is some how sad,
for those Happy thoughts
will always take you to a place of glad.
If you find yourself feeling stuck, needing answers or help finding solutions,
You can find me HERE and HERE
Or email on Facebook or at to inquire
about private readings, rates, specials & payments via paypal.
TODAY'S SPECIAL can be found HERE and HERE.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Trouble Making Decisions?

Decisions are a part of our daily lives but can sometimes get caught up in procrastination, over thinking, or
those moments in life when you've so much on your plate everything shifts into overload.
If you're having trouble making decisions or deciding what "The Next Indicated Step" is,
try asking yourself  one or all of these questions:

"What will bring me closer to my Divine Purpose?" 

"What brings me closer to my realistic Goals?" 

"What is the healthiest choice for me?" 

"What will bring long term gratification rather than a quick fix?"


Quiet your mind and take a deep cleansing breathe.  
Step into patience while focusing on deep cleansing breaths and thinking
or visualizing your world and surroundings as peaceful and full of love. 
Then allow the energy of calm to flow and before you know it, 
your decision or answer will step forward.
Didn't work the first or second time you tried it?
Patience while you teach your mind a new & calming skill.

Have Questions that need answers? Need help with decisions or learning to find your center of calm? 
You can find me HERE and HERE
You can also contact me through Facebook or email me at
to inquire about private readings, specials and payments via paypal.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Guidance Along the Way ...


     Good Morning/Afternoon!
      I'm now online & available for reading
      between the lines, looking between the cracks,
      and giving you the answers you need to help
      Empower your day in Positive Ways!
       I'm here to help you honor your true feelings and
       true self while you follow the path along your 

       journey, or choose to create an entirely new 


        Available until 11 pm PST

        You can find me HERE or HERE or email me on

        Facebook or for

        inquiries on private readings, prices & payments.

       With Love, Light, Abundance & Success,



Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Peace of Mind ...

Today's Fairie Message had been staring at me for the last two days, laying on top of a deck of cards, often slipping
off the top of the deck as if to shout, "Pick Me, Pick Me!!  I don't you need you to draw me, I AM HERE!"
And that's how it is with Peace of Mind.  It isn't something we have to earn or acquire since our true selves are all ready peaceful.
Instead it requires us to help mold, shape and allow it to shine within us, much like a sculptor working away at a master piece,
choosing not to block it with built up worries, but rather to let a radiant center of calm shine through. 
You can keep your worries if you must, but they will find solutions much quicker
if your focus is on inner peace rather than inner turmoil.
Steps that help create peace of mind include being honest with yourself, living according to your inner guidance, being helpful
and kind to others, practicing meditation or yoga, eating only healthful foods, avoiding toxins, maintaining healthy sleep habits,
avoiding negative people and media, surrendering your problems to God (or whomever you pray to), communing with nature,
simplifying your life, and saying no when you need to.
Make peacefulness your highest priority and happiness is sure to follow.
"My mind is now peaceful, and I know that all of my needs are automatically taken care of.  My life and my mind
are now full of peace.  All is well."
Should you need insight or guidance along the way, you can find me HERE and HERE
Or you can contact me on Facebook or email me to inquire about private readings,
payments through paypal and special rates.
Follow Me on Twitter.
Follow Me on Facebook.
Read My Blog.
**Today's Fairie message came from the Doreen Virtue, Ph.D, Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards.**

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Monday, January 10, 2011

Support & Conscious Choices ...

As we move into the New Year, pay attention to your conscious choices. 
They will create harmony or disharmony for you.
By consciously choosing where to stand, who to surround yourself with,
and what is good to hold onto,
we also create healthy support and harmony.
We often can take on the characteristics of our environment,
it can happen easily at times, without our even seeing it at first.  
This makes it very important to surround ourselves with
what we wish to be or want to become,
while remaining a unique and powerful individual.
Make your New Year choices wise, make them healthy for you!
Should you need insight along the way, you can find me HERE and today's Special HERE
or inquire about private readings, specials & prices by messaging me on
Facebook or email
Follow Me on Twitter.
Follow Me on Facebook.
Read My Blog.
***Today's Fairie Card & Message was pulled from Gentle Wisdom by Sasha St. John***



Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Surround Yourself ...

When you surround yourself with positive people and situations and consciously choose to avoid negativity
you open a new door in your life which will allow you to break free from any constrictions of the past
that may hold you back from new experiences and growth.
Life changes can bring many blessings and open successful opportunities you may have over looked.
Open your heart.
Open your mind.
Step beyond self made limitations and
Allow the positive to enter so exploration can begin.
Should you have questions, need guidance or advice, you can find me HERE  and  HERE.
I can also be reached on Facebook or at to inquire about
private readings, pricing, specials and payments through paypal.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Friday, January 07, 2011

Are You?

What's *Your* attitude going into the New Year?
Are you open to change or sticking your foot into old behaviors that blindly hold you back?
Are you feeling good about the way your life is unfolding?
Are you ready for Love or just wanting it?
Are you prepared for a new job or angry that it's not here?
Are you doing what you can to help inspire and place your path toward your goals and dreams?
Are you a part of the solution or a part of the problem?
Ask Yourself.  Are You?
Should you need help or guidance along the way, you can find me HERE and HERE
or contact me on Facebook or at to inquire about private readings,
specials and payments through paypal.
You deserve the very best in life, I'm here to help the best unfold for you!


Follow Me on Twitter.

Follow Me on Facebook.

Read my blog.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous


What's *Your* attitude going into the New Year?
Are you open to change or sticking your foot into old behaviors that blindly hold you back?
Are you feeling good about the way your life is unfolding?
Are you ready for Love or just wanting it?
Are you prepared for a new job or angry that it's not here?
Are you doing what you can to help inspire and place your path toward your goals and dreams?
Are you a part of the solution or a part of the problem?
Ask Yourself.  Are You?
Should you need help or guidance along the way, you can find me HERE and HERE
or contact me on Facebook or at to inquire about private readings,
specials and payments through paypal.
You deserve the very best in life, I'm here to help the best unfold for you!


Follow Me on Twitter.

Follow Me on Facebook.

Read my blog.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous