Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Put Your Heart in Your Dreams ...

Let your worries go and see yourself as the Success you want to be!
If you need guidance, insight or coaching with something that is troubling you
or just may need validation, Today's Specials can be found HERE and HERE.
You can also contact me at to inquire about readings with paypal payments.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The Transition of Change ...


Transitions in life happen.  Change happens.
The less you fear it, the better opportunity to learn, enjoy and grow from from it.
I'm here if you need help along the way, to answer questions and give guidance.
Today's Specials can be found HERE and HERE
Or you can email me for private reading inquires and payment via paypal at
No matter how difficult or hard a change may seem in your life,
there is always a positive path or solution to follow.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous


Transitions in life happen.  Change happens.
The less you fear it, the better opportunity to learn, enjoy and grow from from it.
I'm here if you need help along the way, to answer questions and give guidance.
Today's Specials can be found HERE and HERE
Or you can email me for private reading inquires and payment via paypal at
No matter how difficult or hard a change may seem in your life,
there is always a positive path or solution to follow.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Monday, December 06, 2010

In the Spirit of CHOICE ...

In the Spirit of Christmas,
In the Spirit of Love,
In the Spirit of Kindness toward your Fellow man
take time to let go of old grievances,
heart break and hurts,
or resentments
You may be carrying within you. 
CHOOSE that you will not drag the dead wieght of your anger
or the victimization of being hurt into One More Year!! 
It's not good for your health, your heart, your career or your relationship with others.
Whether you realize it or not, it holds you back, affects your communication 
and keeps your body in a constant state of burden. 
Even when you don't think so!
Choose to forgive, release, and at last, to let go ...
Choosing to not give one more second to a negative situation in your past enriches
all opportunities for happiness in your future.
It's like opening a door of light when you've been sitting in the darkness
and allows healing to start magically soothing it's way through you.
Sounds like a good trade to me, doesn't it to you?
Letting go of the negative burden to enrich the positive glow has win/win
written all over it!
Take responsibility for your actions where they may have been wrong.
If apologies are in order, step up to the plate, because it free's YOU when you do!
Forgiveness and apologies are for your well being, your happiness, and most of all,
Your freedom from a negative that can hold you emotionally as it's hostage.
To help heal a situation or conflict, try and see the other person's point of view with compassion
rather than the wound or anger that feels like a fist clenching at your heart or pounding more
hurt into your brain.  Let go.  Remember, you are responsible for YOUR actions and only YOU
can change your future.
Letting go of old resentments, hurts and anger opens your heart to a whole new level of love
and a whole new level of happiness in life.
It will be the BEST Christmas present you can give YOU!
Why, I swear, you look 10 years younger all ready!!!
If you find  yourself needing help or insight in working through a difficult
situation, Today's Specials can be found HERE and HERE.
You can also contact me at to inquire about
private readings and payments via paypal.
Clairvoyant Guidance and Life Coaching can help bring peace into your day
and being the ground work for positive life changes.  Now accepting new clients.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Always Be There ...

While the energy's of December continue to shift, Uranus going forward, Mercury going retrograde,
it is always important for us to reflect on what is going on inside of ourselves. 
It is within ourselves where we either create a peaceful day or chaos. 
You have more power over your world than you know.
Today's Fairie Card message tells us to Always.
Always be there for YOU. 
Always understand that you are an important part of the Universe and what YOU bring to your surroundings,
within yourself and with others, affects the outcome of your day. 
It affects whether your relationships are built on love, compassion and understanding,
or whether they are existing in the fragile state of turmoil.  It's up to YOU to set
appropriate and nurturing boundaries that allow yourself to have those peaceful times,
even if they are just for a moment.
Always remember, you were and are made of infinite love. 
Tap into your original source and allow love to connect you to all you know and
all with whom you are about to meet.

Practice creating an enviornment of inner peace.

In recognizing that you must be the captain of your own ship, it is important that a focus is given to health,
nurturing your body, knowing that you deserve to live dis-ease free, whether the area of trouble be physical,
spiritual, or mental.  The lack of wholeness, or what you fear you may be missing is, at times, an illusion. 
What we need is Always here for us if we but open ourselves to letting it in and allowing what we need to happen.
Sometimes that is hard to see or understand because deep hurt or fear may block the path.
During this hectic holiday season, take time to nurture and place yourself first. 
Get rest, choose to eat healthy and not over indulge at the tables of delight.
Call a long lost friend, family member or relative and say, "Wish you were here." 
Connect in peaceful and loving ways not only with yourself, but with others. 
Reach out and create a nurturing glow of love in your life and with those around you. 
*You* have that kind of power.
Use your power with positivity.  Use your power with Love.
If you are finding yourself full of unaswered questions I am here for you, to help put your mind at ease.
Today's Reading Specials can be found HERE and HERE.
If you're not comfortable with a dial-in-system private readings with reasonable rates
and payments through paypal may be inquired about by emailing me at

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Thursday, December 02, 2010

What to You Want? ...

As we prepare to enter a new year, it's so important that the focus is on what you WANT to attract to you, not what you wish to leave behind! 
Today is a wonderful day to start changing your focus!!
The December Energy is a time of transformational processing and preparing for rebirth and the splendor of a New Year!  It opens into a time of being real, a time of giving of self, taking time to rest, and sharing love and gratitude.
It is a time for letting go of the past,  releasing the areas of pain, fear, doubt or worry that have held you back in past and allowing yourself to step in to a magical time of truth, justice and accountability.  This free's your heart and soul to soar, filled with the confidence only a heart full of love can bring.
It is a time to renew and reclaim the pure and beautiful essence of love you were created with.  A time to fearlessly take responsibility for what needs to change in your life, rather than lay blame on another.  A time of growth and wisdom that comes with gratitude when accountability overrides denial.
Hang a golden star on your tree of life and let your life be filled with the love and success you so completely deserve.
This year,
CHOOSE to be YOUR Best Christmas Gift Ever!
You are not alone! If you need me, I will am here for you!

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous