Friday, November 26, 2010


Joining in on the Black Friday Maddness, you can find the

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving with Love ...

Our heads can become a blur while we rush about to make it through our nine to five, study for classes,
pick up the dry cleaning, grab the kids from school and find what's left in the grocery isles. 
Or we're thinking about what kind of jerk our boss has been, whether your girlfriend or boyfriend is
really coming to dinner this time, do you have time to make it to the gym, is that shoe lace broke,  well hell, maybe a beer first... 
Then WAIT!  PANIC!  I forgot about my deadline, my laptop just fried, my phone won't work, my battery is dead,
is so and so still mad at me, I have to remember to call grandma ... or did mom say she's coming to dinner?
Life can end up being one big tumbled rush.
For today, allow the LOVE of this moment to fill your heart with Gratitude and Joy.
Stop thinking.
Don't worry if the dinner is ready at two or whether your In-Laws will once again be late.
Choose to not let life's little bobbles or anyone else's attitudes become big bobbles or burdens inside
your mind. 
Cold food isn't the end of the world.
Late dinners can still be eaten.
Just once, don't worry.  
Choose it.  I know that you can do it!
There is nothing worth getting your head in spin out mode about.
Don't rush, relax ... and just let your day happen.
Find your way to Gratitude and blessings will follow.
Have Gratitude for the simple things and the parts of your life that are most beautiful. 
You have them, you know.  Even if you don't always see it.
An Attitude of Gratitude can transform your life into everything that is wonderful.
Take a chance and allow yourself to find that space that lives inside of your heart,
then fill your mind with all that is made of Gratitude.
Tell me, what are three things you're Grateful for today?
I am grateful for all of you, the peace and calm of this beautiful day, and loving messages and calls from friends and family.
(and that I'm going to sneak out into the garden later ... *smiles*)
You?  What are you Grateful for ... ?

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Sunday, November 21, 2010

In or Out?

Don't be afraid to color outside the lines and create a whole new world for yourself!
You'll be amazed at what you can do!
Today's Life Question Specials can be found here and here.
I'm here to help make life easier.
I can also be reached for questions about private readings
via paypal payments at

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Rather than Rush ...


Rather than rushing impulsively into action or cluttering your head with self made avoidance,
Why not take a little time to quiet your mind and weigh the pros and cons? 
Do Some Research.  Study it out, ask questions,  calmly think it over
*without* letting it over take your day.
As you quiet your mind, the answers will come, and solutions are never that far away.
Patience is a must and so is trust as winter creeps into Autumn's day.
Say Good-Bye to the Old, Hello to the New, fearlessly letting go of old habits,
thoughts and beliefs, maybe even a person or two, that no longer serve you in peaceful ways
or fit with the direction your life is going. 
Letting go doesn't mean giving up, it just means your getting wiser.
When you fill your life with love, serenity always presents a solution.
Is there something you're rushing, overthinking, or not letting go of?
Today's Specials can be found Here and Here.
Specials will Run from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. PT every day through Thanksgiving!
You may also reach me at
to inquire about private readings and payments via paypal.
Follow me on Twitter
Follow me on Facebook
Read my Blog
Today's message was intuitively drawn from the Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. Messages from the Fairies Oracle cards.
Today's artwork is from the creative artistic eye of Diane Cordell, NY

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Make A Commitment ... (and Today's Specials)

Make a Commitment to You.
Start with Attitude, turn it to Gratitude,
then fill your life with Love.

Today's Specials, to Help you Find the Answers you Need,
step away from stress, anxiety, fear or worry, and
 Make the Best Choices for a Happy, Calm, Loving Life!

$2.99 Special ~ Limited time Only
(click link above)

$2.99 Until 11pm PT

Main Listing, $3.33 ALL DAY!
(click link above)

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Friday, November 12, 2010

Your Inner Light ~ (and weekend Specials) ~


Take time to be clear with your goals,
clear old energies you may be carrying that don't belong to you,
be of service, with kindness, to others when you can,
without stepping on healthy boundaries.
Allow yourself to capture an Enthusiasm about You and
about your Life. 
Live with Joy.
Seek Joy and Joy WILL Find You!
$2.99 Special Friday, 8 a.m. - 10 p.m
                     Saturday, 8 a.m. - 10 p.m.


You can call me here or here.

You may also email me at for private reading

inquiries and payments through paypal.


Email readings are also available here.

Request for Chat Readings available here.


With Love and Light,


Follow me on Twitter  and Facebook  for Daily Inspiration

and learn about extra specials!


Read my blog here.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Slay Your Dragons!


When you carry fears and emotional distress inside of you,
you carry the burdens of a dragon instead of the joys of knowing one.

Fearlessly choose to face your fears and release them.
Allow yourself to step into the realm of joy and happiness ... Where You Belong.

Today's Veterans Day Special, $2.99 until 11p.m.
You can reach me Here or Here, or email me at  to inquire about private                            readings through paypal payments.

(If I don't show as available or you don't reach me,
please use callback or schedule an appointment, I'm just moments away and with another client.)

Celebrate the joy of You!
Release the burdens of a dragon and learn the joy o
f soaring through the clouds full of bliss!

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Monday, November 08, 2010

Let Serenity ...

Let Serenity be the main focus of your day.
Because you Choose it.
Because you are Wise.
Because you want more for your Life!
Because, you know deep in your heart, you are worth it!
Serenity... the higher self and wise side of self love.
Today's Special can be found here and here.
You may also contact me at for inquires on
private readings and payments through paypal.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous