Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

Believe in the Magic of a New Year!
Choose to leave old, worn out, non serving habits behind.
Embrace all you need to achieve your greatest success & happiest moments in life!
It's totally possible.
All You have to do is BELIEVE!
BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF YOU ~ Learn How to Make this the BEST Year Ever!

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Honesty Will Set You Free!

Honesty will set you free.

When we lie to ourselves or to others, it's an immediate down grade in our energy level.  It darkens us and creates dense, heavy energy around ourselves and within us.  All of a sudden our day begins to feel so much heavier, trudging begins to happen.

Lies are not necessary when healthy boundaries are in place.
It takes honesty and practice, but seriously, you can do this!

Simple ways to start boundaries are with a "no thank you" or
"I'm not comfortable doing that" or "maybe next time, but not now" or "I'm not comfortable talking about this"  or "I'm going to have to set a boundary & end this conversation." Practice!

Any of the above are good starts to empowering yourself and begin setting that HEALTHY boundary!  No means No not maybe!

The odds are, the person your lying to knows it.
Perhaps you have another situation where there is someone in your life that knows they're bullying or manipulating you to get their way.  Manipulators are a negative energy all unto themselves and take stronger boundary work to protect yourself from being drained.

Should you be chronically around negative or bullying people, not only are healthy boundaries totally necessary to avoid high stress levels, there may be other life changing disciplines that need to happen as well!

Take HONEST action for the New Year.

The vibrant light within you will shine brightly
and THANK YOU for it.

Honesty heals what a lie will steal.

Be Free.

Have Questions or need HELP finding your way to feeling Empowered? 

You can reach me HERE or HERE
Today's NEW SUPER SPECIAL can be found HERE
or email me at for private reading rates and paypal payment information


Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas, From My Heart to Yours ...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

What is Your Greatest Christmas Wish?

What is your greatest Christmas Wish?
Is it reasonable?

Are you focused on what you want or what you're afraid you won't get?

Is your energy, your thought pattern and your attitude in alignment with the Universal energy?
Are you enabling the development of your hopes, dreams, goals & all you'd like to manifest?

Find out how you can be a part of your solution and connect with the Universal Energy.

Find out why all your efforts haven't paid off when you've tried
REALLY HARD to manifest and stay positive.

Find out how to connect with your dreams, what to do about your relationship or how to handle that touchy situation at work.

I'm here to help you understand, answer questions, help you get out of your own way (if that is the case) and show you how to raise your own energy vibration to achieve your goals & dreams.

You can reach me with the Holiday Special HERE  or  HERE

If you're feeling the "I've shopped 'til I've dropped" pinch, the NEW Shopper's Special can be found HERE

Need to read inspirational reminders? My Blog is HERE.
Email Readings can be found

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How Will You Choose to Begin Your Day?


Choose to begin your day with the sweetness of serenity in your heart.
No burdens, no worries, just love.
Take three minutes, clear your mind, clear your energy and just breathe.
Six deep cleansing breathes.

The rest of the day will have the opportunity to flow after
you've created a center of calm.

Think 'Serenity' and it will begin to happen.
Before you can own it, you have to want to Know It!

If you find yourself with questions, or troubles, not understanding something, someone, or even yourself
You can reach me HERE or HERE for readings and consultations.

Today's SUPER SPECIAL "I need to talk, but I spent a LOT shopping"
With an AMAZING Special Price can be found HERE.
*This is my NEW Call button - AMAZING Holiday Specials will be ran here!  Dial Direct at 888-626-7386 Extension 78345*

You Deserve the Gift of Serenity!

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Gift of Serenity ...

Serenity lies, safely tucked away within the arms of

Find YOUR Truth.

Own it.

Fearlessly be willing to heal it, if need be.
Then Live It with passion.

Through discovery of 'Your Inner Truth' lies the road to
Serenity & Happiness.

Follow your path.

Build on it with Love.

Explore you life and all if it's endless possibilities.

If you find yourself feeling stuck or uncertain about a situation in your life and are in need of loving guidance with a clairvoyant touch, you can reach me HERE and HERE
or email me at
for private non 800 dial-in readings and rates.

The "I need to call, but I haven't finished shopping" Specials can be found HERE and HERE.

Email Readings are HERE and HERE
Chat Readings are not available today.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Monday, December 12, 2011

Take Time Today ...

Take time today to allow yourself to FEEL the Divine Abundance that is Available for You! 
Step past any old barriers or self limited thinking and step into the acceptance of your divine right.

You were meant to be a success!
Accept and you shall!

For loving guidance contact me at for private reading & session information.
I can also be reached HERE and HERE.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

What Do Skinned Knees, Learning to Walk & Self Love Have in Common?

Without Balance, there would be a lot of skinned knees.
You learned to walk without falling, didn't you? 
Then it only stands to reason, you can learn to 'balance' your life, it's various activities and schedules,
while learning to make sure you take time out for YOU.  GUILT FREE!
And!  You can do it without failing or falling!

The juggling act will become less difficult to keep in the air
when you schedule in that bit of time for You and ONLY YOU.
Five minutes, 10 minutes. More. 
No one will fall apart, the world won't end, but YOU will recharge and have an opportunity to begin again

Oh, you may have a few skinned knees now and then while you learn the 'Art of Self Balance.'
You may deal with a pout or two from a child, a friend, or a significant other. 
Rest assured, you're teaching them a valuable life skill, which is far healthier than enabling any bad behavior!

Keeping your balance & priorities in place sets a strong, positive & healthy example for those around you. 
It says, "I value myself and you should value yourself, too.  I'm Worth It, and so are You!"
It allows the door of Self Love in your life to swing a little wider, letting in more golden opportunities
and happiness, setting boundaries to any would be negative energy drainers.

As you awaken to your true self, discovering what it is YOU aspire to dream of and what YOU would like to do or be,
remember to gently nudge yourself into a time out of even five minutes.  Simply breathe, relax, and enjoy YOUR dream or create a New Dream, while you manifest & build the process of achieving your goals.


You belong to YOU.  Love You. 

When you begin to apply healthy boundaries and Self Love into your life on a daily basis,
empowering self esteem and confidence will be your reward.  Happiness guaranteed to follow! 

Like the spring petals of a new flower just beginning to bloom, it's important to remember to be gentle with you.    

Let the Healing Begin!

Holiday Specials, Guidance, Readings & Life Coaching with Love can be found HERE and HERE.
For non 800 dial-in private appointments & pricing, please email me at

Holiday "I need to call, but I've shopping to do" Specials can be found HERE and HERE.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Friday, December 09, 2011

Your Thoughts Create Your World ...

"YOUR thoughts create your world.
YOU are who you are today and where are today
because of WHAT you thought about yesterday.
Take control of your life by taking control of your thoughts." ~ Tavis Smiley

If you find yourself needing some thoughtful guidance or need help understanding a person or situation
in your life, you can reach me HERE and HERE.  For non 800 dial-in appointments & information,
please email me at

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

What Blessing Will You Give?

What blessing will You give to your day?
Whether you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, no matter your religious
or non religious preference, the translation of this season is LOVE. 
Simply LOVE.

What LOVE will you show, first yourself, and then others today?
Will you do an Act of Unconditional Kindness for a complete stranger? 

I challenge you to extend kindness through your day to all.
I challenge you to nurture and care for yourself, with loving boundaries & to honor the boundaries of others.
I challenge you to do one act of unconditional kindness for a stranger.

Are you up to the challenge?

Should you find yourself needing guidance about an area of your life (relationship, family, career)
You can reach me HERE or HERE. For private, non 800 dial-in sessions & rates
please email me at

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Sunday, December 04, 2011

There's Music in the Message ...

Are you one of those people that get frustrated with all the 'positive thinking' junk and secretly write hate mail to positive thinking authors, believing that the Law of Attraction is just the Law of BS?  You've gotten good things in life without manifesting and being positive, so you just don't see the need (even if life is like a roller coaster, big highs and really, really deep lows).  Besides, any change ranks high on your PITA list?

Positive thinking and manifesting don't have to rank high on your PITA list, but I admit, you do have to practice while learning to step away from the habitual negative thought process you may not even know you're carrying around in your head.  It's like quitting smoking, giving up a bad habit that truly isn't good for you, yet you're still very attracted, even craving it. For some, it's such an ingrained habit they don't see what's wrong with it. Others are just now stepping away from denial, and still others have awakened, fully embracing the ease of living, serenity, hope and manifestation that comes from positive thinking.

Today's message is about music and manifestation, reminding us the powerful ally music serves to boost, not only our spirits, but our manifestation process as well.  Music is of a higher frequency than that on the physical plane. When listening to positive music, it can wrap us in a protective shield to guard us from negative energies. The right music (meaning music with positive lyrics and sound) will lift our emotions and thoughts to joyful levels!

Sing it, dance to it, feel the music around you while you think about manifesting your desires!

Feel stuck and like positive thinking and manifestation never work for you and want to know why?
You can reach me HERE and HERE or for private, non 800 dial-in consultation & Holiday prices, email me at

**Today's Message comes from the Magical Mermaids & Dolphins card deck by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.**

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Are You Listening?

This morning I sat quietly and asked if there was a message for the day.  Quickly and easily the fairies stomped their feet and practically dumped the card "Stand Your Ground" in my lap.  "Stand Your Ground," simply meaning to be true to yourself.  Be true to how YOU feel and follow the path of what is right for YOU.  Not what someone else thinks you should do or is trying to influence upon you, but what you know in your heart is honest and true!

I could feel the angels nudging each other in discussion.  There were several standing behind me, almost in a huddle and they were wanting to be heard as well.  They definitely had a plan, only I got the feeling their plan was to include me, not just give me input for a universal message.  The energy in the room shifted a bit, heavier for a moment, but not uncomfortable. I felt like I was about to receive a lecture of sorts. Not the kind of lecture where the scolding leaves you feeling less than, more like a serious plea of "Pay attention, we're trying to help you here!"

The Angels have three goals they wanted to give us this morning and they were clear in guiding me.  I laughed a little as I saw each card I was directed to pull and told them, "You know this message isn't for me?" to which I heard the reply, "We know. You're not the only one!" 

So what do the Angels want us to focus on and carry with us each day? "Forgiveness." "Music." "Listening."

The Angels went on to tell me, "Be alive inside, but forgive yourself (referring to me. I really need to improve my self forgiveness) and others. Let go of unwanted baggage and any mental or physical clutter around you.  It only burdens your soul and weighs your energy down, keeping you from exploration and the lightness of your spiritual energy.  The dense energy deprives you of a true light hearted happiness!  It also depletes your physical energy. Open your creative doors and dance like you have wings that keep your feet afloat simply on air.  Listen to more music. Positive, soothing music that lifts your soul and makes your energy feel alive, relaxed, and moves your body.  Above all, the Angels said, "LISTEN! We hear you. We know you're talking to us. Could you pay a little closer attention, please?  We have a lot to tell you!"

So I ask you, is there an area in your life where you need to "Stand Your Ground" and be true to yourself?
Is there anything you need to forgive (yourself included)?  Are you listening to music and letting your thoughts shift from any stressors or worries to lightness? (pay attention to what you listen to, it will affect you! Positive music enlightens! Negative lyrics can bring your energy down.)   While you prepare your holiday rush, are you sitting still long enough or taking quiet moments  to hear your angels as they lovingly send messages to guide and warm you through your day?  They want to help and are only waiting for you to ask it of them.

Should you have questions or are in need of guidance, life coaching or clairvoyant input about a situation in
your life, you can reach me HERE and HERE or email be at

Today's Specials can be found HERE and HERE.

**Please note that cold readings are very difficult to do in 3 minutes and more time is needed to travel through one's energy accurately. (Approximately 5 -10 minutes at best. Average readings are 20 to 30 minutes)  Please be honest and fair when leaving feedback. When one will leave negative feedback that is completely false in nature about predicitons or things that were not said during their brief 3 minutes, there is nothing I can do but send that person the greatest of love and healing energy.**

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous