Saturday, July 30, 2011


Recently one of my oldest and dearest friends lost her mother and came to spend the weekend with me.

While she was here, I asked if she wanted to pick the theme for one of my Fairie Messages, would she like to draw a card from any of the Angel and Fairie decks?  With the impish delight of the elemental realm, she bubbled over with giggles and anticipation, squeezing her eyes shut with extra gusto as she drew her card.  Instead of just one card, two dropped out of the deck (Amy Brown, Faery Wisdom Deck) giving her more to look at in life.

Her two cards were, 'The Balancing Act' and 'Caffeine Overload.' 

The outer world, obvious sign, in the off balance tremors losing a parent or loved one can bring made immediate sense, but as I talked further with my beloved friend, so much more was uncovered that made these two cards more than just a casual coincidence.

For today's message, I'll address 'The Balancing Act' and the next message will be about 'Caffeine Overload.'

First one must ask themselves, "Is my life in balance?" "Really???"

It's a daily feat for some of us, forever and always, something we work on and strive for. It's like eating healthy and getting to the gym, a balancing act of discipline.  For others there may be a lack of belief in oneself or one's own potential, or scattered excuses created by denial with reflections of avoidance. When we avoid balance, or at least attempts at keeping balance, it is ourselves we hurt the most, even to the point of causing illness or careless accidents.

While the moon in Leo sends it's new beginnings energy to us, take a look at what you have put on your plate.  Are you overworking, underworking, procrastinating, or maintaining the balance needed to hold yourself in harmony and out of stress's way?  It's important to always strive for balance between work time and play time, neglecting neither, keeping your body's emotional, physical and spiritual needs in a healthy and happy flow. 

Take time to weed out people, places and things that no longer work for you in constructive, supportive and positive ways.  Negativity, criticism, energy vampires, manipulation, controlling or feeling controlled are all signs of the need for distance and becoming intune with your higher self, putting balance back in charge of empowering your life.  In turn, also make sure you are not putting out a negative production of energy or dependency from yourself to others. This will create a vacuum of toxicity in your life, ultimately leading to unhappiness and lack of self confidence rather than the goal of harmony & bliss.

Take a quick scan of your life.  Are your finances in balance, do you have your financial priorities straight, are you working on them?  Do the people in your life bring honesty, happiness and loving support to your life table? Do you give this support back in just as loving of ways?  Have you filled your day and your life with positive actions or experienced a negative overload you need to release and cleanse out?

The Balancing Act is a daily part of our lives.  Just like it is our job to maintain a proper sense of self love and happiness in our life, it is also our job to make certain the scales of balance never tip too far one way or the other.  Each shift allows us to grow and learn important life lessons while bringing our lives back to center.

Seek harmony and happiness through the blessings of learning to maintain 'The Balancing Act.'  It is important to take care and neither neglect nor over indulge any one area of your work, play, family & love, spiritual or physical lives.  Building unity within self creates an energy of balance while opening the doors of success & good health in all areas of your life.

Be kind to you.  Believe in your highest potential, neither setting your limits too low nor using another to get where you want to go.  You are totally capable of achieving your highest dreams! 

Dream big, dream often, and dream with the empowered love of balance.

Should you have questions about your life and seek answers, you can reach me HERE or HERE.
I can also be reached for inquires about private non dial-in-service readings at

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Monday, July 04, 2011

Declare Your Independence!


Happy Fourth of July!
Declare YOUR Independence today!
Are there any old habits that haven't served you well to let go?
Invite a positive, healthy approach to each day,
then you will find your fireworks of life filling up the skies around you
with explosive colors of joy, in so very many happy ways.
Sometimes, letting go of old, negative or self destructive habit(s) isn't easy or even recognizable at first.
Some may even pick the habit up and set down several times before finally walking away from it,
very similar to those fighting a nicotine habit and determined to quit smoking.
Be patient with you while you're growing. Fill your world with fireworks full of positive thoughts.
Feeling stuck after all the eclipse energy of June and July 1st and needing help?
You can reach me HERE or HERE.
Today's Fourth of July Special can be found HERE and HERE.

You can also still get in on the Keen Add $10 get $10 Special until midnight tonight!

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Your Enviornment ...


Just as it's important to live in harmony with the land you walk on, it's equally important to live in harmony within *self*
Are you walking with integrity and balance within self or have you stepped outside the lines?
Is there clutter clouding your way or have you gotten stuck in a 'quick fix' rut while trying to find your way to feeling better?
Stop a moment and breathe, spend some time outdoors in the wisdom of nature and let your internal and external environment
begin to shift in ways only the Divine Love and Light can bring.
Should you find yourself struggling and in need of guidance, you can find me HERE and HERE. 
Or email me at
This weekend's 4th of July Special on Keen is a TEN for TEN. Add $10 and Keen will give you $10 FREE.
Offer Redeemable HERE 1-800-ASK-KEEN Ext 01032
Email Readings are HERE and HERE
Chat Readings are HERE
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**Today's Fairie card was drawn from the Gentle Wisdom deck of Sasha St. John

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous