Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween! WIN a FREE Reading!!

Happy Halloween!
Let your inner child out to play!
Laugh, be silly, have fun!
Allow your True & Playful self to shine & show!
Love your Life because it's the thing you were born to do!
Be generous & kind to others,
Be generous & kind to yourself!

Watch for unexpected special Treats coming your way today!
You can find on going Halloween Specials HERE and HERE!

Want to win a FREE 20 minute reading with me?
Send a message to me at with
FREE READING in the subject line! (must be 18 yrs or older to enter)
All names will be put in the Great Pumpkin and winner will be drawn at Midnight PT!

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Sunday, October 30, 2011

What the Energy Shift Does with Your Worries & Negative Thoughts ...


     Are you listening to the quiet voice inside of you or pretending it doesn't exist?  Quiet your mind (or learn to) so you can listen to the message your internal self and higher self is trying to convey. 

     Is there something you're avoiding, something that keeps you feeling off balance or feeling bad about yourself?  Anything that you've put off doing, feelings of resentment, fear, frustration or anger that need be addressed?  Whether you know it or not, your life is meant to be about joy and what brings you happiness, not turmoil, chaos, drama or dwelling on anything negative.

     The more one holds onto hurtful, negative or fearful thoughts (especially in the current energy) the more one will manifest exactly what they are hurt about or fear, creating more bad experiences, bad luck or negative results.  This is why it is so important for everyone to be aware of what they're thinking in the back ground of your conversations and the stillness of your thoughts.  Judgment, negativity, sarcasm, doubt, fear of being hurt, old beliefs all keep you being at one with self all keep your wound festered and growing rather than letting light in and healing.

     Until you are willing to release old attitudes of defensiveness, judgment and blame it is likely you will remain stuck in the vortex of negativity you hold onto.  Whether you know it or not, you are nurturing the negative within you and allowing it to grow by holding onto hurt feelings or desires for revenge. Until you stop dwelling on the desire to see those whom you feel have slighted, betrayed, or hurt you punished and avenged in some way, it will be difficult for you to awaken and consistently enjoy the serenity and bliss life is made of.

     When you release the negative and embrace the positive your energy will automatically begin to lighten and the heavy burdened feelings will immediately start to lift from you.  Learn to empower your thoughts with the positive rather than hold on to the negative.  Take time to discover how to heal, release, and love life at a deeper level.

     Think "My Life is Blessed by Divine Love and Better, Every Day in Every Way" rather than dwell on the negative you need to let go of!  Release the negative and step into the Positive! 

     Should you need help in shifting your energy, understanding a situation in your life, or beginning the process of empowering yourself, you can reach me HERE or HERE or mail me at for private reading information & prices.

     Halloween Special can be found HERE.

     Email Readings are available HERE and HERE.
     Chat Readings are available HERE.

     Read My Blog.


Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Watch Your Thoughts ...

Watch your thoughts -
are they leading you to a positive or a negative outcome?
Be patient and kind to yourself and with others
while you transform and grow into your Higher Self.

If you find yourself feeling stuck, having unanswered questions
or need help understanding a person or situation in your life,
You can reach me HERE
Today's  $2.99 Special can be found HERE and HERE

Email Readings can be found HERE and HERE
Chat Readings can be found HERE

For information on private readings through a non-dial in service,
please email me at

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ask Yourself ...

  Ask yourself, "Is this what my Higher Self would do or say?"

When you tune in and listen to your 'Higher Self' rather than the mental baggage of your emotional body,
you allow yourself to transform the density of your energy, thereby
opening your manifesting abilities with the love of your dreams rather than the weight of your worries.

If you find yourself with questions, wondering how to shift your energy away from negative and into the positive,
or need guidance with relationship or life situations, you can reach me HERE and HERE
or email me at for information on private - non-dial in readings.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Thursday, October 13, 2011


When you stop fighting the worry in your head, release the over thinking and allow yourself to awaken and be one with your true self, all of a sudden you will find life becomes much easier, happier and healthier.

 It's not as complicated as you may think, and with a little positive thinking practice you can be well on your way to the life of your dreams, if for no other reason than you've learned how to get out of your own way while finding an awesome 'new' way!

In the meantime, if you're feeling stuck and needing a gentle push, help understanding or questions answered, you can find me HERE or HERE.

You can also reach me at for private session information & pricing.


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Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous