Because I want to see all of you evolve and grow into the happy, healthy lives you deserve and are entitled to, yet I see the blockages
holding some of you back, I am going to do a series of Empowering, Self Development Conference Classes this summer.
The next Conference Class:
Next Wednesday, June 1st, 2011
Conference Session will be on "Are You Empath, Co-Dependent, or Both"
June 1st Class Cost $60.00 - One hr detailed session, interactive questions answered.
Detailed explanations, breaking the barriers, definitions and meanings of co-dependency & being empath.
Helping you understand how either or both may be a part of your life in positive and negative ways.
Giving you solutions that will help you grow out of problem or negative areas and begin stepping into positive results .
Steps you can take to overcome issues and become an asset in achieving your relationship & career goals
while stepping away from self sabotage, emotional drama, insecurity & over thinking.
(this Wednesday's class will be a great step to prepare you for the June 1st class)
If you have any questions, please email me at I look forward to hearing your thoughts, ideas, and having your participation in our Conference Energy Healing Session.