Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Do You Trust?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Do You Take Responsibility?



Sometimes it's easy to blame others for your unhappiness, why your life isn't successful, or your mistakes.
Sometimes it's because those are the examples that were set before you while you were growing up.
Sometimes it's because you've taken the manipulator shortcut in life, simply because you've gotten away with it.
Now it's time for it to be *Deal Over* time.
Now it's time to *Take Responsibility for Yourself.* 
If you truly want to be happy, successful, or have better relationships, there's no other shortcut or way around it.
You can't blame your neighbors, your family or people that don't like you.
When you drop the excuses you create an all new energy to provide an all new positive outcome.
Take the time to Learn & Grow. 
You're never too old. 
You're never to young. 
Should you have questions or need help understanding your life,
you can find me HERE and HERE.

You can also message me on Facebook or email at to inquire
about private readings & rates not associated with a dial-in-phone system.
Email readings are available HERE and HERE.
Chat readings are available HERE.
Today's Specials are available HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Follow Me on Twitter
Follow Me on Facebook.
Read My Blog.
**Today's Fairie Message is an adaptation from the Tavis Smiley Empowerment Cards.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous



Sometimes it's easy to blame others for your unhappiness, why your life isn't successful, or your mistakes.
Sometimes it's because those are the examples that were set before you while you were growing up.
Sometimes it's because you've taken the manipulator shortcut in life, simply because you've gotten away with it.
Now it's time for it to be *Deal Over* time.
Now it's time to *Take Responsibility for Yourself.* 
If you truly want to be happy, successful, or have better relationships, there's no other shortcut or way around it.
You can't blame your neighbors, your family or people that don't like you.
When you drop the excuses you create an all new energy to provide an all new positive outcome.
Take the time to Learn & Grow. 
You're never too old. 
You're never to young. 
Should you have questions or need help understanding your life,
you can find me HERE and HERE.

You can also message me on Facebook or email at to inquire
about private readings & rates not associated with a dial-in-phone system.
Email readings are available HERE and HERE.
Chat readings are available HERE.
Today's Specials are available HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Follow Me on Twitter
Follow Me on Facebook.
Read My Blog.
**Today's Fairie Message is an adaptation from the Tavis Smiley Empowerment Cards.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What Do You Bring to Your Table?


When you bring LOVE
without judgment to your table,
suddenly your table is full.

What is it YOU bring to your table?

Are you kind?

Are you understanding?
Or do you spend your time judging & criticizing others?

Are you always frustrated & angry
or does your day unfold
with inner peace & happiness?

A happy heart,
full of love
is too busy enjoying life
to take time
and criticize another.

Where is your heart?

Know that You are Loved.
Should you find yourself with questions that need answers or guiding,
you can find me HERE and HERE or reach me via Facebook or at
Email Readings are available HERE and HERE
Chat Readings are Available HERE
Today's Special is Available HERE and HERE. and HERE.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Are You Looking For Work?

Being without work is one of the hardest things that can ever happen to a person. (believe it or not, there are harder ...)

    During this time it is SO important for you to remember to be on track with taking positive and healthy care of you!  Is your glass half empty, or half full?  Are you consistent with your affirmations and staying on track with positive thinking or have you ridden the anxiety and depression train until it's wheels fell off?  Are you making excuses or finding ways? (I know it can be hard when you're feeling down, but it's really important to try very hard, especially when feeling down.)

    You have to believe in order to receive!

It's important to feed your body nutritional, healthy & energy producing meals, as well as feeding your mind spiritual and positive thoughts.

    Faith will lead you where fear will destroy.

    Take this time to make YOU your job while you're looking for a job.  Work on removing any negative attitudes or issues you may have in your work ethics.

     Make it a point to LOOK at the job market everyday, Thanking God & the Universe for bringing the perfect job for you (instead of dread, full of fear you won't see a decent job listed ~ start practicing the positive approach!).  Update your resume if you haven't, and send it out often. 

    Apply for all jobs, especially any you think might be fun.  Producing the energy of availability and the desire to work helps create the energy of attraction for your job.  Any job, in the current economy, is better than no job, so while you may, at times, have to fight your own mind, depression or attitude, fill your mind with gratitude.  "My new job is Here & Now"

  Each day find and focus on all you can be grateful for. 

    Dream about what you would LOVE to do for work and take the steps or action to be the right person available for THAT job.  Also consider using any talents or gifts you have to create a small home business.

    Positive thoughts produce results, negative thoughts produce negative experiences. 

    Learn to pay attention to what you are thinking and adjust your thoughts accordingly, replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations.

     Be kind to yourself

    Be a part of the *you* team that helps manifest your job.  Consider also, any education in another field and all odd or temporary jobs to get you buy until the "right" job is available.

You can do all of this, right now, by honoring you with nurturing and wise care, understanding that while you are looking for a job YOU are your job.  You are the vehicle of attraction!  Do it well, do it with self love, and do it with patience, please.

Affirmations to focus on are:

"My Life Is Better, Every Day in Every Way"
"My New Job is Here and NOW" 
"Work comes to me, Quickly and easily"
"Money comes to me, Quickly and easily"
"All my bills are quickly & easily paid"

Sending you Love, Divine Abundance, and the Courage of Calm while you find your way,



Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous