The Inward Calm ...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2010 11:46 AM
While Mercury goes direct and Scorpio is sending out it's waves of energy,
it's a good time to listen (or learn to listen) to your inner self.
Not the stressed out crazy making inner voices that leave you feeling exhausted
or like you've got scrambled eggs for brains.
Close your eyes
and take a deep,
calm, cleansing breath ... and step past your mental noise. Inward.
The calm that lies just past the crazy making,
mixed messages or confusion
that you take upon yourself.
The place inside of you
that is surrounded by a glimmer of light
in your abdomen and heart area,
that only grows brighter
as you allow yourself to
feed the seed of calm.
This is where you will find the place to honor your true feelings
and learn to know them.
Not the feelings of reckless abandon,
self righteous need, worry, fear, or the latest stress you've adopted.
In the center of you, born upon your creation, is the calm light filled voice of reason.
A voice with stress free answers, kindness and a comforting warmth that will guide you.
Find your inner voice.
Honor your inner self.
Discover your true and real passion.
Your true feelings aren't wrapped up in old habits
that lead to self destruction or add weight to fears,
doubt, worry, or left over anger.
Your center is filled with pure, uninhibited love and calm.
A radiating peace that reflects nothing but love.
Seek your inner truth and you will discover how wonderful you are.
This is what I know.
Love you and the whole world will love with you.
Loving You Always,
You can reach me here or here.
Or contact me for further questions about
private readings or life coaching at