Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Polar Bear; "I Come in Peace ... "


Polar Bear: I come in Peace 
Norbert Rosing's striking images of a wild polar bear coming upon
tethered sled dogs in the
 wilds of Canada's Hudson Bay. 

The photographer was sure that he was going to see the end of his dogs

when the polar bear wandered in. 




It ' s hard to
believe that this polar bear only needed to hug someone!



Sometimes, that which scares you may only be the opporunity to get or receive a hug, or help in understanding a part of you may be running from. 

Fear Blocks Love in it's purest form. 

Just think of what you can do with an open mind.


The Polar Bear
returned every night that week to play with the dogs.

May you
always have love to share,

Health to spare
And friends that care

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous


Blogger Synchronicity Radio said...

I love these images! So beautiful and heart warming:) Thanks for sharing them!

12:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

great photo work = thanks for letting us participate in the joy!

luv n hugs

6:51 PM  

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