Monday, February 01, 2010

First it is Important to ...

Love Heals ...

To help heal any situation,
first it's important to see
the other person's point of view with *compassion.*

To help heal what hurts you,
first it is important to understand exactly why you hurt.
Sometimes it's not even related to what it is you need to heal.

To help bring true happiness into your life,
first it is important to replace any angst, bitterness, resentment, fear, guilt, remorse, sorrow and or selfishness with Love and Self Love. 

Love for self. 
Love for others. 
Love for even those with whom you do care much for.

The cycle of Love begins with baby steps as you learn to understand you
and allow yourself to understand & accept others as they are.

Through understanding and healing,
 Love Opens You Up and allows you to Open the rest of the doors in your life.
Thus begins the cycle of love, reaching out for greater depths within you.
The answers are there, all you have to do is look for them.

Believe in You. 
Believe in an even greater depth of Happiness.

Believe in LOVE.

I am here for you if you need me.
You can find me here and here.
Or, for further information, Dm or email me at

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous


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