Peace of Mind ...
While going through the rhythm, work and tasks of your day, remember the importance of making Peacefulness your highest priority.
Commit to taking the steps you need to ensure peace of mind, heart, and soul ~~ commit to immediate action without delay, so that your worries, hurts, and troubles begin to lessen without further aggravation.
Peace of mind isn't something you have to earn or acquire. Your true inner self is already peaceful. It is how you were made ~~ of peace and loving spirit.
It is an inside job, choosing to focus your mind on all that is of peace and tranquility ~~ with a simple change of focus, you will inevitably feel a sense of relief.
Steps you can take to create peace of mind include being honest with yourself, living according to your inner guidance, being helpful & kind to others, practicing meditation or yoga, eating only healthy foods, avoiding negative people & negative media, surrendering your problems to God, communing with nature, simplifying your life, and saying no when you need to.
Always With Love and Light,
fairie picture
Commit to taking the steps you need to ensure peace of mind, heart, and soul ~~ commit to immediate action without delay, so that your worries, hurts, and troubles begin to lessen without further aggravation.
Peace of mind isn't something you have to earn or acquire. Your true inner self is already peaceful. It is how you were made ~~ of peace and loving spirit.
It is an inside job, choosing to focus your mind on all that is of peace and tranquility ~~ with a simple change of focus, you will inevitably feel a sense of relief.
Steps you can take to create peace of mind include being honest with yourself, living according to your inner guidance, being helpful & kind to others, practicing meditation or yoga, eating only healthy foods, avoiding negative people & negative media, surrendering your problems to God, communing with nature, simplifying your life, and saying no when you need to.
Always With Love and Light,
fairie picture