Sunday, September 03, 2006

When you choose to seek the joy that is in life ... Joy is what will find you.

It's easy to get caught up in the habit of dwelling on what hurts or what you fear... It's a habit many people have.

It doesn't mean that life doesn't have it's hard or difficult moments.

Life does.

It means you make a deliberate effort to focus on what is *Good* in life instead of dwelling on what bothers you.

When you allow yourself to learn to release the fear and focus on faith ... on the *Joy* ... that is in life, you open yourself to the door of happiness.

Once you step inside that door, happiness is available for you at a deep sincere level that will comfort your life with the sweet melody of serenity.

It's a beautiful song just waiting for you to sing. I hope today finds you taking the time to learn to sing your own personal song of Joy.

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