Thursday, June 30, 2011

Eclipse Energy - Remember To Focus on the Positive


Just a reminder that our next eclipse happens early in the morning on July 1st at 1:54 AM PDT.
Focus your intentions, thoughts and wishes positive before you go to bed tonight!

If you need help directing your focus in straight forward & simple
ways to help you gain the most progress,
or want to know how the Eclipse energy can affect you,
you can reach me HERE or HERE
Or with Today's Special HERE,
Or text or email at for private appointments.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Sunday, June 19, 2011

To All The Father's Listening ...


A Father's Love isn't always an easy task.
A Father's Love comes with Great Responsibility.
A Father's Love sets a road map for his daughter, as she journeys toward her life's love.
A Father's Love sets a place marker for his son, on how to treat a woman and raise his family.
A Father's Love builds the strength in family, as he provides and guides along the way.
A Father's Love nourishes the mother of his children as they build a house of unity, joy & laughter.
A Father's Love smiles when he sees the house of love his heart has built.
And so Dear Fathers, build your house wisely.
Treat your children with the same love and respect you would want to be treated,
Love your wife with encouragement & compassion and never underestimate the importance of a Father's Love.
Build your house of Love, first within, for it is your self value that will teach the greatest lessons of love,
then expand that treasured love outward, as you move forward in life and support the lives around you. 
With a foundation of Love you will always be a treasured one: 
A Father who's family runs home to share their day... in the house he built with Love.
Happy Treasured, Father's Day to all new and seasoned Dad's! 
With Love,

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father Healing ~ Have You?


At times I will go quiet within myself, channel the energy of my clients, those coming to me, and anyone around me and ask the Universe, God and my Angels, "What is the message for today?"
While I use many different Oracle decks from a variety of wonderful authors & artists, I truly love the energy from any of Doreen Virtue's PH.D. angel and fairie cards.  Today, I was drawn to the deep blue box that holds the Mermaids & Dolphins oracle card deck created by Doreen. With the cards not even completely out of their box, I blindly let my fingers sift through them and without looking drew one.
When I turned the card over to see what I had pulled I knew the message would get to those needing it.
"Father Healing."
My breath caught for a moment at the significance of it all, Father's Day being tomorrow.  I once knew how great the pain of unresolved issues with one's father could be.  While I have always loved my father tremendously and been a 'Daddy's Girl' at heart, there were times when my father's actions or behavior made it difficult to like him. The divine energy and light that guided my fingers to pull this card today, let me know there were others needing the blessing of inner peace I had found, and freedom from what ever hurt may be holding them in the past, keeping them from the serenity of the 'now' and their future.
As Doreen Virtue, PH.D. explains in her handbook, Universal energies are either male or female. Male energy is expansive and giving. Female energy is nurturing and receptive. If we're unhealed with respect to our father, the Universe seems to be ungenerous. If we're unhealed toward our mother, we won't accept the gifts the Universe offers us.
The more you allow yourself to focus on the 'spiritual truth' of your father, the more your heart will be open & receptive to the Universe's continuous and all-encompassing giving.  Accept your rightful bounty and open your arms and heart to your Divine inheritance. 
Affirm: "I now focus on the love that is the spiritual truth of my father; and I hereby balance any karma between us. I now let go of everything but the love and the lessons of my relationship with my father."
**Normally when I pull an angel or fairie card, from whichever author's deck, I may take an excerpt from their original guidelines, or totally follow my own.  Today, I have done the unusual and copied, nearly verbatim from Doreen Virtue's PH.D. handbook.  Speaking of one's father is a tender subject for me right now and I was having trouble finding my words, as I have recently lost my own father.  While I have had total and complete peace with my father and his crossing, I miss him.  Today while trying to write this I felt the energy of my father and saw him in a way I didn't often see him in his earthly form.  He is at peace and there was a silliness about him that was a rare, great gift and not often experienced while he was on earth. I find myself in tears with a combination of joy and sadness at my loss.  I only ask that you be open to heal any unresolved issues you may have with your father, (or your mother). 
~ Love Always ~ Because you can,
Should you find yourself with questions needing answers or guidance, you can reach me HERE, HERE or email me at
Today's Special can be found HERE and HERE.
Email Readings can be found HERE and HERE
Chat Readings can be found HERE
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Read My Blog
Contact me for Private or Group Readings
**Samantha is a gifted Clairvoyant, Empath & Psychic Life Coach with 25 years experiencing in helping heal, guide and give answers to life's questions for clients around the world.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Wednesday, June 15, 2011



Are You Ready to Get SERIOUS About Your Goals, Your Life & Your Relationships?

I designed this workshop because I found many of my clients were either over thinking, under thinking or not truly placing their real intentions and visions boards out there, aligned with their TRUE desires. I discovered they were in their own way, sometimes afraid to ask for what they REALLY wanted to manifest.  I also have found my clients positive and negative truths and fears to block their desires. 
Please join us in aligning your intentions and visions with your TRUE self, thoughts, dreams, desires and wishes. Learn to not let fears block your desires and to open yourself to manifesting what you really want.
I have created TWO WORKSHOP DATES and TIMES:
June 15th at 7pm PT  REGISTER HERE 
June 16th at 2pm PT  REGISTER HERE

This is a time where Balance and Hope (Gemini & Sagittarius) affect the emotional aspects of the Lunar Eclipse. It is a time for building your thoughts, goals and dreams into the opportunities you would like to manifest.

This will be a participation required session to help you direct YOUR energy specifically on what you WANT to manifest, shape the wording, vision and direction of your manifestation for your best possible outcome.

It's an opportunity to learn manifestation, personalized to help you get out of your own way, while creating a SOLID Vision board & Intention Statement.

Learn. Grow. Manifest & Love Your Life.

There will be an introduction lecture, then I will work with you as a group and as individuals both explaining the hows, whys, do's & don'ts during the entire time.

A list of Intentions YOU want to manifest (can be as many as you want), mailed to me not less than 4 hours before class. (parts or all of your list may be shared, anonymously, out loud in class to show how best to word it or as a positive example, or ways to use what you've written to inspire greater or quicker manifestation.)

We will work as a group, I will answer questions, give positive & productive information while giving guidance on manifestation and how to make it work for you, personally!

Please be at your computer, logged into the click conference system and checked into the chat area, prepared to participate, ask questions and give feedback.

(class length may vary or change depending on the number of participants)

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Use the Lunar Eclipse to Manifest Your Intentions - Conference Class


Conference Session Information ~ Use the Energy in the Now!


Using the Energy of the Lunar Eclipse to Manifest YOUR INTENTIONS

Advisor: Fairie Moon Child   Conference ID: 11711   

Date & Time: June 15, 2011   From: 7:00 PM PST   To: 8:00 PM PST

Price: $30   [New Click4Advisor User? Register Here!]   [Existing Click4Advisor User? Register Here!]

Registration Link: (if above does not work for you, please insert link below in your browser)

Description: Are You Ready to Get SERIOUS About Your Goals, Your Life & Your Relationship or Relationship Desires?

This is a time where Balance and Hope (Gemini & Sagittarius) affect the emotional aspects of the Lunar Eclipse. It is a time for building (and using) your thoughts, goals and dreams, molding them into the opportunities you would like to manifest.

This will be a participation required session to help you direct YOUR energy specifically on what you WANT to manifest, shape the wording, vision and direction of your manifestation for your best possible outcome.

It's an opportunity to learn manifestation, personalized to help you get out of your own way, while creating a SOLID Vision board & Intention Statement.

Learn. Grow. Manifest & Love Your Life.

There will be an introduction lecture about the Eclipses, positive and negative uses of energy, and directing your intentions. I will then work with you as a group and as individuals, both, explaining the how's, whys, do's & don'ts during the entire time.

A list of Intentions YOU want to manifest (can be as many as you want), mailed to me not less than 4 hours before class. (parts or all of your list may be shared (anonymously) out loud in class to show how best to word it or as a positive example, or ways to use what you've written to inspire greater, quicker manifestation.)

We will work as a group, and as individuals.  I will answer questions, give positive & productive information while giving guidance on manifestation and how to make it work for you, personally!

Please be at your computer, logged into the click conference system and checked into the chat area, prepared to participate, ask questions and give feedback.

(class length may vary or change depending on the number of participants)


Loving the energy frees to explore the opportunity of your heart's desires with results..


(artwork copyright by the beautiful @mousewords Christine Taylor)

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Monday, June 13, 2011

When You Choose...


When you choose not to hate anything,
the door is wide open to LOVE.
Having trouble with your door?

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Simple Reminder ...


If you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling in some way and find yourself needing guidance or help with answers & solutions,
You can find me HERE and HERE or contact me at

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Over Thinking ...


Over thinking, worry, self sabotage, drama & stress are cancerous.
Free your heart, free your mind.
Join the blessings of self love.
Heal the inner, connect with the outer, then life becomes complete.
I am here to help.
You can find me HERE, HERE, or contact me via email at

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Monday, June 06, 2011

Remember to Play!


Have questions or need insight? 
You can reach me HERE or HERE.
Today's Specials are HERE and HERE.
You can also email me at for inquires on private readings,
classes, events and group sessions & pricing.
With a calm heart, the day will always unfold with love.
**Today's Angel Card was pulled from the Doreen Virtue, PH.D Healing with the Angels Oracle cards.

Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Are You Co-Dependent, Empath or Both? Learning how it affect You & Your Relationships & what you can do.

Are you Co-Dependent, Empath, or Both?

How it affects you and your relationships.

~*The good, the bad & the ugly.*~
~The Positive & Negative sides that hold you back and what you can do about it.~
WHEN:  Sunday June 5th, 2011
TIME:    [7PM PT], [8PM MT], [9PM CT], [10PM ET]
WHERE: Click THIS LINK to be taken to registration and sign up or the link below.
Tele-Conference Class Cost: $60 - 1 Hr. Tele-Conference Session
(This class may go longer, depending on the number of
questions asked & participation)
Are you a sensitive soul, try hard to understand everyone's feelings, but often feel like they don't understand yours?
  • Do your feelings often get hurt?
  • Are you wondering WHY you don't have a relationship or why your relationships never last?
  • Do you feel like you'd be happy "IF ..."?
  • Do your dreams feel very real?
  • Do you feel anxiety or depression over relationships? If they'd just do what you tell them to, everything would be ok?
  • Do you struggle telling the people in your life, "no!"?
  • Can you tell when your friends or partners are sad or in a bad mood before you talk to them? Do you feel like you are responsible for their feelings or need to help them, fix them, or make them feel better?
  • Do you go out of your way to please or help others, but not do the same for yourself?
  • Can you sense when people are in danger or need help?
  • Do you feel almost compelled to help a person who is in trouble out with their problems?
  • Do you worry about the people you care about shutting you out or not talking to you?
  • Is relationship communication difficult for you, often misunderstood or ends with you feeling defensive?
  • Are your relationship expectations leaving you dissatisfied?
  • Do you feel you always need to be in charge or have to do the job yourself if you want it done right?
  • Are you giving more than you are receiving? 
  • Do you give mixed messages or feel you are get mixed messages?
  • Does your significant other drink or party too much or do you? 
  • Do you find it difficult to watch the news or be around negative people? 
    If any of the above questions hit home, this will be a good tele-class for you.
    Now, in the Eclipse Energy, is a great time to bring an end to any old relationship habits or behaviors
    that do not serve your higher good, and encourage the positive behaviors
    that will help you flow with harmony, in loving & healthy relationships.
    I've been guiding, counseling, coaching & giving clairvoyant, psychic & empathic input to my International Clientele's lives for 25 years.
    During this time, I've also observed the pit falls and where clients get stuck, self sabotage, block their own happiness and hurt themselves, their relationships or potential relationships, or hold on to a dead end relationship way past it's expiration date.

    (I also work extensively with many social workers, nurses, doctors & practicing, licensed therapists & psychologists who can answer YES to all of the questions above and have worked with me on these areas in their lives, enriching their practices and personal lives.)

    This is just the beginning, to help anyone stuck step into awareness and open 'their emotional doors.'  It will give the opportunity to change any bad habits, encourage the good, and to participate in life in meaningful, happy, loving and fear-free ways. 
    Everyone deserves to be happy & anxiety free ~ Especially YOU.
    During this powerful Eclipse Energy, it's a GREAT time to begin your healing process and learn how to put your focus back on the right track!


     Conference Session Information

    Subject: Are You Co-Dependent, Empath Or Both? How it affects you & your relationships.

    Advisor: Fairie Moon Child   Conference ID: 11691   Read Feedback

    Date & Time: June 05, 2011   From: 7:00 PM PST   To: 8:00 PM PST

    Price: $60   

    [New Click4Advisor User? Register Here!]   [Existing Click4Advisor User? Register Here!]

    Description: Detailed explanations, breaking the barriers, definitions and meanings of co-dependency & being empath. Find YOUR answers. Are you or are you not?

    Helping you understand how either or both may be a part of your life in positive and negative ways.

    Giving you solutions that will help you grow out of problem or negative areas and begin stepping into positive results .

    Steps you can take to overcome issues and become an asset in achieving your relationship & career goals while stepping away from self sabotage, emotional drama, insecurity & over thinking.

    Please submit at least 3 questions two hours prior to Conference Session
    Questions will also be able to asked during the Session

    Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

    Friday, June 03, 2011

    Eclipse Energy - Remember To Focus on the Positive



    If you need help directing your focus in straight forward & simple
    ways to help you gain the most progress,
    or want to know how the Eclipse energy can affect you,

    Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous

    Are You Settling for Less than you Deserve?



    Is there something going on that you're not sure about and need help understanding?
    Not sure if you've made the right decision or how to stay on track?
    Unanswered questions lingering in the back of your mind?

    I'm here to help!

    You can reach me HERE or HERE.

    Email Readings can be found HERE and  HERE.


    Today's Special's are HERE and HERE.


    Not comfortable with a dial-in system?

    You can also email me at to inquire about

    private readings, pricing, specials, group parties, classes and payment options.

    Are You Settling for Less than you Deserve?

    Posted via email from fairiemoonchild's posterous